According to photos recently surfaced on social media U.S Airforce B-1B Lancer bomber performed an emergency landing after technical failure.
The B-1B is dubbed (from B-One), took off for a training mission, and, about 30 minutes later, experienced an unspecified in-flight electrical malfunction that forced the crew to return to base for an emergency landing.
The bomber reportedly blew two tires on landing and suffered a brake fire, but all four members of the crew were able to safely egress.
The photos sent by an anonymous source to @combat_learjet, who posted them on his social media accounts.
The Bone blew two tires, which from the photos seem to be the outer tires of the left main landing gear.
Considering the tire damage and the brake fire reports, it could be safe to assume that the aircraft, due to the emergency, performed an overweight landing putting more pressure on the landing gear and the brakes, resulting in the two tires blowing and hot brakes that could have caused the subsequent fire.
From the photo of the bomber on the runway, referenced with older photos and satellite imagery, the incident may have happened at Dyess Air Force Base, with the aircraft photographed at the southern end of runway 16-34 near the 12,000-foot marker.
Without an official report, we can’t say how accurate are these considerations. However, the most important part is that the four crew members escaped without any problems on the ground.