Here are Videos of Man Pulling a 416,299 lb C-17 Globemaster III Aircraft to make World record

Here are Videos of Man Pulling a 416,299 lb C-17 Globemaster III Aircraft to make World record

Can A Man Pull a C-17 Globe Master? The answer is yes! A man can pull a C-17 Globe master.

In the below video, you can see Kevin Fast a Canadian national pulling a C-17 Globemaster III whose weight is 188.83 tonnes (416,299 lb).

To make World record his goal was to pull Aircraft 5m but he covered a distance of 8.8 m (28 ft 10.46 in) and made a world record at Canadian Forces Base in Trenton, Ontario, Canada, on 17 September 2009.


This video is from the 2017 Dover AFB Open House & Airshow. In this video, you can see Grant Edwards pulling a c-17

Edwards’ appearance at Dover AFB was to raise awareness for mental health among first responders and law enforcement officers and an attempt at a Guinness World Record by pulling a C-17 Globemaster III transport at least five meters. Watch and see if he was successful…

Here are Videos of Man Pulling a 416,299 lb C-17 Globemaster III Aircraft to make World record

Commander Grant Edwards is a high-ranking Australian law enforcement officer and former elite athlete and strongman competitor and entrant to the World’s Strongest Man competition

Grant Edwards was picked out for special mention for his feat of single-handedly pulling a 201-ton steam locomotive a distance of 36.8 meters along a railroad track at Thirlmere, NSW, Australia, on April 4, 1996. The 1999 win in Australia’s Strongest Man led to an invitation to the prestigious World’s Strongest Man in 1999.

 Man Pulling a 416,299 lb C-17 Globemaster III Aircraft to make World record
 Man Pulling a 416,299 lb C-17 Globemaster III Aircraft

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