on September 29th, 2020, U.S. Marine Corps F-35B Crashes and KC-130J Crash Lands After Mid-Air Collision During Air-to-air Refueling.
We still don’t know much about what exactly caused the collision between a KC-130J and an F-35B, both Marine Corps aircraft taking part in the Weapons Tactics Instructor course out of MCAS Yuma, Arizona, near the Salton Sea in Southern California
This is what the KC-130J aircraft looked like shortly after it made its emergency landing near Thermal:
The Hercules tanker-transport, which belongs to VMGR-352 ‘Raiders,’ has since been partially disassembled and moved to Jacqueline Cochran Airport in Thermal.
The Photographer Matt Hartman grabbed some shots of it which were shared on the Warzone website. Click here to see the photo: Link
In the photo you can see, pretty much everything that can be removed from the aircraft has been, with just its fuselage left intact.
Still, the damage is severe, especially around its landing gear sponsons. You can see how the skin of the aircraft itself is buckled near the side crew door.