Italian Air Force Frecce Tricolori display team to perform tour of italy to boost country’s morale. A 5-day tour will bring the Italian Air Force aerobatic display team’s jets over the whole Peninsula.
On May 25, 2020, the display team of the Aeronautica Militare will begin the tour of the country. They will also fly over Codogno, the first red area of the health emergency that hit Italy.
This is the overflight program.
- May 25: Trento, Codogno, Milan, Turin and Aosta.
- May 26: Genoa, Florence, Perugia and L’Aquila.
- May 27: Cagliari and Palermo.
- May 28: Catanzaro, Bari, Potenza, Naples and Campobasso.
- May 29: Loreto, Ancona, Bologna, Venice and Trieste.
- June 2: Rome
Similarly to what done in the U.S., where the U.S. Navy Blue Angels and the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds along with other units have carried out flyovers in recognition of health care, first responder, law enforcement and all front-line personnel during the COVID-19 crisis the Italian Air Force display team will perform dedication flyovers around the country.
Named “Abbraccio Tricolore” (Tricolor Hug) the tour includes 21 flyovers in 5 days with the gran finale, in Rome, on June 2, when the team will fly over Capital for the Festa della Repubblica, the Italian National Day and Republic Day.
The Frecce Tricolori will fly over all the Italian regions, spreading the colors of the Italian National Flag to symbolically embrace all the country as a sign of unity, solidarity and recovery for the health emergency.