Caribbean Airlines aircraft crashed into the terminal building at the Piarco International Airport

A Caribbean Airlines aircraft crashed into the terminal building at the Piarco International Airport on Wednesday night causing extensive damage.

Caribbean Airlines aircraft crashed into the terminal building at the Piarco International Airport

According to CAL, at approximately 11:15 p.m. the ATR-72 aircraft, 9Y-TTA, was being taxied from the ramp at the Piarco International Airport to an aircraft hangar when it came into contact with the wall of the airport terminal building.

The aircraft was not in active service and there were no passengers or crew on board.

Caribbean Airlines aircraft crashed into the terminal building at the Piarco International Airport

A state­ment from CAL’s cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tions head Dionne Ligoure said the air­craft was be­ing tax­ied from the ramp to an air­craft hangar when it came in­to con­tact with the wall of the air­port ter­mi­nal build­ing.

“The ex­tent of dam­age to the air­craft is be­ing as­sessed, and it has been with­drawn from ser­vice. There were no in­juries to any per­son­nel,” the re­lease said.

An in­ves­ti­ga­tion has been ini­ti­at­ed by the rel­e­vant au­thor­i­ties.

“Caribbean Air­lines as­sures all stake­hold­ers that the air­line’s ser­vices on the air bridge con­tin­ue to op­er­ate ac­cord­ing to its reg­u­lar core sched­ule, ” the air­line as­sured.

How the airplane ended up hitting the terminal building was not disclosed.

CAl said that the extent of damage to the aircraft is being assessed, and it has been withdrawn from service. There were no injuries to any personnel.

An investigation has been initiated by the relevant authorities.

Caribbean Airlines assured stakeholders that the airline’s services on the air bridge continue to operate according to its regular core schedule

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