A Eurocopter AS355 Écureuil 2 helicopter crash in Chonnabot district of the northeastern province of Khon Kaen on July 18, killing four people on board
pilot Seksan Wanna; assistant pilot, Pol Col Sinsamut Sinphettha; and two TV Channel 7 photographers, Samnao Noisakul and Ronnakit Phetnin Died in crash
Parts of the aircraft scattered all over the crash site which has been cordoned off for further examination
Atthaya Larpmak, director of the Khon Kaen airport, said initial reports reaching him said the helicopter, an Airbus helicopter AS355 NP, belonging to Hililux Aviation Company, departed from a flight training airfield in Saraburi.
The aircraft lost contact while flying over Chonnabot district of Khon Kaen in the cloudy sky.
The helicopter picked up some TV Channel 7 crew members from a location in Saraburi and stopped at Saraburi airport for refueling.
It then took off again, heading for Khon Kaen to pick up more TV Channel but crashed in Chonnabot district