Lion Air Boeing 737 plane crashes with 188 People On-board. A Lion Air Boeing 737 passenger plane with 188 people on board has crashed into the sea shortly after taking off from the Indonesian capital, Jakarta. All 189 passengers presumed dead Lion Air Flight JT 610 crash
Read Update: All 189 passengers presumed dead Lion Air Flight JT 610 crash
Flight JT 610 was on a scheduled flight to Pangkal Pinang, the main town in the Bangka Belitung Islands. It lost contact with ground control a few minutes after take-off, and was last tracked crossing the sea – it is unclear if there are any survivors.
At a news conference, officials said the plane had been carrying 178 adults, one infant, and two babies, as well as two pilots and five cabin crew.
The plane was a Boeing 737 MAX 8, a brand new type of aircraft. Flight JT 610 took off from Jakarta at 06:20 local time on Monday morning (23:30 GMT on Sunday).
Drones, Sonar, underwater beacons are used to find Lion Air Plane
Piloting the aircraft was Captain Bhavye Suneja, assisted by co-pilot Harvino, who together had a combined total of 11,000 hours flying time, according to a statement by Lion Air.

They were assisted by flight attendants Mery Yulianda, Alviani Hidayatul Solikha, Damayanti Simarmata, Deny Maula, Citra Noivita Anggelia and Shintia Melina.
Three of the cabin crew memberswere in training, the statement said.
Serpihan pesawat Lion Air JT 610 yang jatuh di Perairan Karawang banyak ditemukan mengapung di permukaan laut. Kapal USV Fulmar menemukan serpihan berupa pelampung, HP dan lainnya. Basarnas dibantu Kementerian Perhubungan, TNI, Polri & relawan terus lakulan evakuasi.
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) October 29, 2018
It was due to arrive at Depati Amir airport in Pangkal Pinang an hour later but about 13 minutes into the flight, authorities lost contact with the plane.
The pilot had earlier asked to return to Jakarta’s Soekarno-Hatta airport, the head of Pangkal Pinang’s search and rescue office, Danang Priandoko, told local news outlet Kompas.
“The plane crashed into the water about 30 to 40m deep,” Search and Rescue Agency spokesman Yusuf Latif told AFP news agency. “We’re still searching for the remains of the plane.”
Lion Air Group’s Chief Executive Edward Sirait earlier told Reuters: “We cannot give any comment at this moment. We are trying to collect all the information and data.”
Saat ini tim SAR Basarnas melakukan penyelaman dikoordinat 05 derajat 90' 361" S – 107 derajat 06' 618" E untuk mencari pesawat Lion Air JT 610 yang jatuh di perairan Karawang Jawa Barat.
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) October 29, 2018
The aircraft was reported to be a Boeing 737 MAX 8, a model only in commercial use since 2016. Flight tracking website Flightradar24 said the aircraft had been delivered to Lion Air in August.
Meant for short-haul travel, the single-aisle plane can fit a maximum of 210 passengers.
Aviation consultant Gerry Soejatman told the BBC the MAX 8 had been experiencing problems since it was introduced, including difficulties maintaining a level flight.
Debris was also seen near an offshore oil refinery operated by state-owned energy firm Pertamina, an official from the firm said.
Serpihan pesawat Lion Air JT 610 yang jatuh di perairan Karawang. Beberapa kapal tug boad membantu menangani evakuasi. Video diambil petugas tug boad yang ada di perairan Karawang.
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) October 29, 2018
Indonesian investigators are examining debris from Lion Air flight JT 610 which crashed into the sea off the capital, Jakarta, Monday morning with 189 people on board.
Jatuhnya pesawat Lion Air JT 610 di dekat fasilitas Anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero), Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) di lepas pantai di utara Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Petugas PHE ONWJ melakukan evakuasi dan mengambil dokumentasi.
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) October 29, 2018

Manifest: Lion Air JT 610 this morning.. 06.20 Indonesian time, 29/10/2018.
Berikut daftar 181 penumpang tersebut:
1. Rang Adiprana
2. Vivian Afifa
3. Indra Bayu Aji
4. Firmansyah Akbar
5. Wahyu Alldila
6. Resky Amalia
7. Restia Amelia
8. Muhammad Andrian
9. P. Anggrimulja
10. Dede Angraini
11. Liu Anto
12. Vicky Ardian
13. Arfiyandi
14. Reni Ariyanti
15. Riyan Aryandi
16. Chairul Aswan
17. Paul Ayorbaba
18. Fauzan Azima
19. Naqiya Azmi
20. Berly Boen
21. Adoni Bongkal
22. Matth Bongkal
23. Hari Budianto
24. Ar. Budiastuti
25. Ken Cannavaro
26. Liu Chandra
27. Fe Christanto
28. Ariska Cici
29. Dadang
30. Nursi Damanik
31. Dia Damayanti
32. Dary Daryanto
33. Janu Daryoko
34 . Prato Dewanto
35. Inayah Dewi
36. Jannatun Dewi
37. Sui Di
38. Dolar
39. Dony
40. Dwinanto
41. Abdul Efendi
42. Capt. Efendi
43. Jan Efriyanto
44. Sri Endang
45. Eryanto
46. Xhe Fachridzi
47. Mohammad Fadillah
48. Der Febrianto
49. Filzaladi
50. Fiona Ayu Zen
51. Trie Gautama
52. Achmad Hadi
53. Tri Hafidzi
54. Fifi Hajanto
55. Ibnu Hantoro
56. Hardy
57. Fais Harharah
58. Darw Harianto
59. Har Harwinoko
60. Chandra Hasan
61 Has Hasnawati
62. Hedy
63. Hendra
64. Herju Herjuno
65. Dewi Herlina
66. Henny Heuw
67. Ambo Malis HM
68. A Innajatullah
69. Dicky Jatnika
70. Ervin Jayanti
71. Muhammad Jufri
72. Tami Julian
73. Juma Jumalih
74. HK Junaidi
75. Dodi Junaidi
76. Vera Junita
77. Karmin Karmin
78. Y Kartikawati
79. Kasan
80. Tesa Kausar
81. Abdul Khaer
82. Sui Khiun
83. Khotijah
84. Chandra Kirana
85. Ariauw Komardy
86. Igan Kurnia
87. Mariya Kusum
88. Liany
89. Linda
90. Luhba Toruan
91. Mahheru
92. Andr Mangredi
93. Martono
94. Sekar Maulana
95. Mito
96. Moejiono
97. Monni
98. Msyafii
99. Akma Mugnish
100. Murdiman
101. Murita
102. .Muhammad Nasir
103. Njat Ngo
104. Nie Nie
105. Zulva Ningrum
106. NoeGrohantoro
107. Noorviantoro
108. Agil Nugroho
109. Hesti Nuraini
110. Joyo Nuroso
111. Nurramdhani
112. Onggomardoyo
113. Yoga Perdana
114. Chris Prabowo
115. Riwan Pranata
116. Rio Pratam
117. Junior Priadi
118. Ruslian Purba
119. Puspita Putri
120. Fatikah Putty
121. N Rabagus
122. Shan Ramadhan
123. Ruma Ramadhan
124. Muchta Rasyid
125. Ema Ratnapuri
126. Rebiyanti
127. Nur Rezkianti
128. Rijalmahdi
129. Muhammad Riyadi
130. Imam Riyanto
131. Akhim Rokhmana
132. Romhan Sagala
133. Sah Sahabudin
134. Martua Sahata
135. Ubaidi Salabi
136. Nikky Santoso
137. Yunit Sapitri
138. Mawar Sariati
139. Ase Saripudin
140. Hi Saroinsong
141. Sas Sastiarta
142. Rudolf Sayers
143. Nata Setiawan
144. Cosa R Shabab
145. Shella
146. Sian
147. Man Sihombing
148. Yul Silvianti
149. Nu Sitharesmi
150. Nia Soegiyono
151. Rizal S. Putra
152. Mack Stanil
153. Eka M Suganda
154. Rank Sukandar
155. Idha Susanti
156. Rober Susanto
157. Wahyu Susilo
158. Eko Sutanto
159. Eling Sutikno
160. Sya Syahrudin
161. Hendra Tanjaya
162. Tan Mr Toni
163. Trianingsih
164. Maria Ulfah
165. Bambang Usman
166. Verian Utama
167. Miche Vergina
168. Wanto
169. Wendy
170. Radik Widjaya
171. Krisma Wijaya
172. Daniel Wijaya
173. Andr Wiranofa
174. Witaseriani
175. Wulurastuti
176. Nicko Yogha
177. Reo Yumitro
178. Yuniarsi
179. Yunita
180. Baby 1
181. Baby 2
7 Cabin Crew
1. Bhavve Suneja (Pilot)
2. Harvino (Co-pilot)
3. Shintia Melina ( F.A)
4. Citra Novita Anggelia Putri (F.A)
5. Alfiani Hidayatul Solikah (F.A)
6. Fita Damayanti Simarmata (F.A)
7. Mery Yulyanda (F.A)