PNC Guatemala located a suspicious partially burnt Gulfstream jet on an illegal strip

PNC Guatemala located a suspicious partially burnt Gulfstream jet on an illegal strip

Authorities of the National Civil Police (PNC) located a private Gulfstream Aerospace G-1159 Gulfstream III jet with registration unknown on an illegal strip in Guatemala near Chico de Chamorro, Retalhuleu

The jet was set afire after landing  in a wooded area

The authorities reported that they received a warning from the community about the landing of the aircraft in a clandestine airstrip in the area

Óscar Pérez, the spokesman of the Ministry of Defense (Mindef), said that the flight of the aircraft was not detected by the Army radars.

A team from the Subdirectorate General for Analysis and Counter-Narcotics Information (SGAIA) and prosecutors from the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP) carry out the survey of the area.

Later, in a search operation of the Army, which included air, sea and land forces, five boats were located in the mangroves of Ocós, San Marcos.

Inside the boats, they located approximately 25 cells with alleged drugs. The merchandise, according to the military forces, would be transferred by sea and could be related to the aircraft incinerated and located in Retalhuleu.

It seemed that the Aircraft was used for illegal drug supply

This is Developing story we will update it as soon as we get more information

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