Mooney M20E crashed at Marina Municipal Airport, Pilot dead

The pilot died after a plane crashed into a field next to the runway at Marina Municipal Airport

Marina fire and police personnel on scene at the Marina Municipal Airport where a single-engine plane crashed, killing one on Monday. (Vern Fisher – Monterey Herald)

Pilot died after a  Mooney M20E  plane crashed into a field next to the runway at Marina Municipal Airport .

The Mooney M20E plane took off from  Marina Municipal Airport and then stalled after ascending at a high angle then plane It winged over and spiraled into the ground which resulted into the death of pilot on board

Marina Fire Department responded to  call of a plane crash at around 10:55 a.m. When they arrived, the plane was on fire in the field.

According to Ian Gregor, a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration, the plane was a single-engine Mooney M20E. The pilot was the only person onboard

The cause of the crash is currently unknown. The FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board are investigating the crash.

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