Pakistan signed a deal to purchase 30 Turkish TAI T129 attack helicopters

According to Jane’s 360 Pakistan has formally signed a deal for the purchase of Thirty TAI T129 attack helicopters from Turkey for $1.5 billion
It was disclosed on 24 May.
The confirmation of the anticipated sale to Pakistan was made in the political manifesto that Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Parti) has released ahead of the general election scheduled for June.
The manifesto states that “a very short while ago a contract for the sale of 30 attack helicopters was signed with Pakistan”.
Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) had not responded to a request for comment at the time of writing.
Pakistan army is in seak of new attack helicopter and they are considering various options
According to Pakistan Army Aviation commander, Major General Nasir Shah
Number of platform options were being considered to augment its current Bell AH-1 Cobras
Recently Pakistan received four Mil Mi-35s from Russian
In addition, Pakistan has also ordered 2 US-built Bell AH-1Z Vipers helicopters
Furthermore, Pakistan is also considering to purchase chines Z-10 helicopter