Video of Close Call for Red Bull Air Race Pilot

Video of Close Call for Red Bull Air Race Pilot

In the below video, Matt Hall talks us through an eventful Qualifying day in Windsor, the fourth stage of the Red Bull Air Race World Championship 2010.

Matt Hall  A former Australian military pilot racing for the Red Bull Air Race bounced off the Detroit River and recovered his airplane on June 7.

Pilot Matt Hall G-stalled the airplane during a hard left turn while slaloming through the chicane section of the course, regained level just in time to bounce off the water’s surface but not crash. The impact to the airplane was slight, without structural damaged, so the plane—with Hall in the cockpit—is expected to race in New York City on June 19. Check out the video of the incident above.

Information About Bull Air Race World Championship

The Red Bull Air Race World Championship features the world’s best pilots in a motorsports competition based on speed, precision and skill.

Using the fastest, most agile and lightweight racing planes, Red Bull Air Race pilots navigate a low-level aerial race track made up of air-filled pylons, flying at speeds reaching 230mph while withstanding forces of up to 10g.

The objective is to complete the course, navigating the 65 feet high specially designed inflatable pylons known as Air Gates in the fastest possible time.

Red Bull Air Race pilots must pass between the Air Gates in the correct position taking care not to touch them with their wings. The pilots compete for points at each Red Bull Air Race and the one who accumulates the most at the end of the season is crowned Red Bull Air Race World Champion.


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