According to Anatoly Shukalov, the first deputy director of the Russian company “Electro-Automatika”. The new helmet, designed for the fifth-generation Russian fighter Su-57, gives the pilot an advantage in aerial combat. The pilot will be able to expand his field of view thanks to a helmet-mounted display system
The display system is integrated into the pilot’s helmet and displays an image of any complexity on the helmet visor.
Due to the transparent screen, the pilot can observe both the external environment and the information received. This system allows him to control flight and aiming without looking at the indicators in the cockpit.
Anatoly Shukalov added that the design bureau also created a wide-angle collimator aviation indicator or sight. It is used to ensure flight safety and piloting aircraft. And the electronic frame-combining system makes video recording of the cockpit situation without distortion by a flashlight.
The helmet for the pilots of the Su-57 fighter was first presented at the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2015. Then his tests were completed.
Fighter F-35 – the most expensive project in the history of the Pentagon. $ 300 billion was spent on developing a new generation aircraft. The time has come to return the investment.
According to several US sources, the F-35 pilot helmet cost up to $400,000 apiece.
It is said that these helmets, as if taken from Tony Stark’s arsenal, are the most technically advanced head-mounted display that engineers have ever created.
Stuffed with electronics and sensors, with a carbon fiber body and night vision device, the 2.25 kg helmet transmits real-time contextual information about the surrounding area. Turning his head, the pilot can even look “through” the skin of the aircraft. The helmet receives information from six electro-optical sensors of the Distributed Aperture System [DAS] mounted on the fighter skin.
Fitting a helmet to an individual user takes four hours [two-day procedure, divided into two hours]. It is necessary that the augmented reality display [visor] is located exactly 2 millimeters from the center of the pupil. The fighter will not function if the helmet is defective, all systems are closely integrated and do not work in isolation. No spare parts. Each pilot is given exactly one copy.
Su-57 is a fifth-generation Russian multifunctional promising fighter created using stealth technologies. Able to fight with any enemy fighters, as well as destroy ground and surface targets of the enemy.
The aircraft was designed to replace the Su-27 heavy fighter in the Russian Air Force. The aircraft made its first flight in January 2010.
The aircraft can transmit target data to both other aircraft and ground-based air defense systems, and vice versa, receive target designation from them.
In this case, the on-board control system can accompany up to 60 targets, while firing at 16 of them. This allows you to repeatedly increase the effectiveness of fighters and reduce combat losses.