Video of F-15 Arresting Cable Landing – Aircraft’s Emergency Brake

Video of F-15 Arresting Cable Landing - Aircraft's Emergency Brake

USAF Airman from the 23d Wing Civil Engineer Squadron, Power Pro Shop, explains how the BAK-12 Aircraft Arrest System works, and the importance of testing it.

Furthermore, The $250,000 system has to be tested at least once per year if it isn’t used during a real-world emergency during that year.

Here is a Video of F-15 Arresting Cable Landing. Watch This F-15C Eagle Make A Very Hard Hook-Down Emergency Landing

Have a look at Video of F-15 Arresting Cable Landing

The BAK-12 slows down the aircraft by using modified B-52 Bliss Brakes on either side of the runway connected by a rope running across the runway.

Aircraft Arresting System located at Andersen Air Force Base

The arresting system is similar to that used on aircraft carriers to stop planes upon landing

The system consists of a cable stretched across the runway and hooked up to motorized retractors on either side.

Related Article: When an F-18 crashed into Sea due to Arresting cable break – 7 Injured


In the above video, you can see 65th CES Power Pro Maintainers conducting barrier maintenance.

Furthermore, The barrier aircraft arresting kit cable systems, which acts as an emergency brake for a troubled aircraft which may be having trouble on landing.

Video of F-15 Arresting Cable Landing
SOUTHWEST ASIA – An F-15 Eagle tests a new arresting barrier system for the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing Feb. 25, 2012. The system consists of a cable stretched across a flightline and hooked up to motorized retractors on either side. If a fighter has some type of malfunction that affects its brakes, pilots can use the arresting cable to stop safely. This was the certification test for a new system, which has to be replaced every 10 years. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. J.G. Buzanowski)



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