All passengers believed dead in Iran plane crash

No survivors in Iran plane crash

Iran Aseman Airlines ATR-72 with 60 passengers  including one child, and six crew members, on board crashed near the city of Semirom. According to Airline spokesman Mohammad Taghi Tabatabai  60 passengers  including one child, and six crew members are Dead Iran plane crash

An Aseman Airlines Iranian plane with 60+ people on board crashed near the city of Semirom in the Isfahan Province of Iran.The plane vanished from radar after taking off at about 5am local time. The aircraft went off radar midflight from Tehran to Yasuj. A crash site was found near Semirom.

The plane is an ATR 72, a French-Italian short-haul regional airliner. The model, which was introduced in the late 1980s, is new for the Iranian aviators. The country signed a contract to buy 20 ATR 72s in 2016 with an option for 20 more and received the first batch last year.

Under decades of international sanctions, Iran’s commercial passenger aircraft fleet has aged, with air accidents occurring regularly in recent years.

Following the 2015 landmark nuclear deal with world powers, Iran signed deals with both Airbus and Boeing to buy scores of passenger planes.

Iran Aseman Airlines is a semi-private air carrier headquartered in Tehran that specializes in flights to remote airfields across the country. It also flies international

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