On Oct. 3, 2020, the Palm Springs Air Museum (PSAM), in Palm Springs, California, welcomed the F-117A #833 with a military retirement ceremony.
The Nighthawk 85-0833 is the second-highest combat mission plane in the F-117A fleet.
Ehe Stealth Jet entered the ramp from the airport to the Museum towed by a ground vehicle and was greeted by a flyby salute from two pivotal Lockheed aircraft (the WWII vintage P-38 Lightning and a first-generation T-33 Shooting Star jet) along with a water arch tribute and a final radio call from the control tower that recognized its 20-year service in the U.S. Air Force.
The F-117A #85-0833 made its first flight on Febr. 19, 1988. It flew 30 combat missions with the 416th Tactical Fighter Squadron out of its deployment base at King Khalid International Airport, Saudi Arabia, from Aug. 19, 1990, to Apr. 1, 1991, during Operation Desert Storm; and 45 mission with the 8th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, deployed to Aviano Air Base, Italy, in 1999, during Operation Allied Force in the Balkans. Nicknamed “Black Devil”, the aircraft was officially retired on Apr. 11, 2008, after logging 5,140 Flight Hours.
The aircraft was prepared for its transfer to the PSAM by the DeMil Team at Tonopah Nevada and after delivery, it went into restoration for many months before its exhibition at the museum. Although the aircraft won’t be in regular display until Spring 2021, PSAM has already launched a series of 6 limited events for the public to view the F-117 aircraft up close and personal with an experienced interpreter as a guide.