Air Force cadet gets TASERED: Grabs “SOMETHING” she SHOULDN’T. In this video, a female volunteer went through such training.

A Taser is a brand of electroshock weapon sold by Axon. It fires two small dart-like electrodes, which stay connected to the main unit by conductors, to deliver electric current to disrupt voluntary control of muscles, causing “neuromuscular incapacitation”.
Someone struck by a Taser may experience pain and over-stimulation of sensory nerves and motor nerves, resulting in strong involuntary long muscle contractions. The force applied is therefore proportional to the strength of the person receiving the shock rather than the strength of the person applying it.
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Taser darts can incapacitate, not just cause pain compliance, and are thus preferred by some law enforcement over non-Taser stun guns and other electronic control weapons, which, like a Taser when used solely in “Drive Stun” mode, can only do the latter.
In this video, a female volunteer went through such training. Bracing herself against two fellow Airmen, she waited patiently to get hit with some voltage, all the while smiling.
That smile was quickly eradicated when she got tasered, but her reaction was quite…unique. Tensing up like anyone, she did reach for a place that will make you cringe. She Grabs US Soldier’s Balls
Check it out. You’ll get a good laugh.
Joining the Air Force has a lot of perks. No matter what job you do, you’re serving your country and probably get to see a lot of cool stuff on a daily basis (don’t argue, we know a lot of it might be mundane.) From servicing F-35s to talking to pilots, being in the Air Force is pretty dope.
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It does, however, come with some things that are not so pleasant. Although your Marine buddies will tell you that it’s a joke, you do need to get tasered during your training if you’re in a certain field. As we said, other branches have to get a face full of mace and go through gas training so this is a walk in the park but it certainly doesn’t feel great