Military transport airplane AIRDROP (Type of AIRDROP & Methods OF AIRDROP )

Military transport airplane AIRDROP (Type of AIRDROP & Methods OF AIRDROP )

An airdrop is a type of airlift in which good ( tanks and other large supplies) are dropped from jets (Mostly cargo jets)using parachutes.

Airdrop technique is used to supply goods to inaccessible areas where landing is not possible

Video of Airdrop From C17

Types of Airdrop 

Low-Velocity Airdrop:  is the delivery of a load involving parachutes that are designed to slow down the load as much as possible to ensure it impacts the ground with minimal force.

In addition This type of airdrop is used for delicate equipment and larger items such as vehicles.

High-Velocity Airdrop: is the delivery of a load involving a parachute meant to stabilize its fall.

Furthermore, The parachute will slow the load to some degree but not to the extent of a Low-Velocity airdrop as High-Velocity airdrops are used for durable items like MREs.

LAPES (Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System) is a variation of an HV drop where the aircraft almost completes a touch-and-go type pattern (without actually touching the ground) and the load is ejected at an extremely low altitude.

Free Fall Airdrop: is an airdrop with no parachute at all. A common example of this type of airdrop is the delivery of leaflets used in psychological warfare.

C-17 Formation Air Drop

Methods of Airdrop

Auto Extraction airdrops use an extraction parachute to pull the load out of the aircraft end of the airplane.

In this method, an extraction parachute is deployed behind the aircraft

In addition, parachute pulls the load out and cargo parachutes are deployed to slow the load.

Furthermore, Extraction drops are usually Low-Velocity airdrops, with rare exceptions (e.g. Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System).

Manual Extraction airdrops, where the load is physically pushed out by a specially trained crew of up to four people.
Gravity airdrops use gravity in the sense that the attitude of the aircraft at the time of the drop causes the load to roll out of the plane like a sled down a hill.

Furthermore, The most common use of a gravity airdrop is for the Container Delivery System (CDS) bundle.
Door bundle drops are the simplest of airdrop methods.

In addition In a door bundle airdrop, the Loadmaster simply pushes out the load at the appropriate time.

Readmore: Fast & Furious Mode: Russia Airdrop Armored Vehicles With Crew Inside

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