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Unbelievable Crosswind Takeoffs and Landings videos

Unbelievable Crosswind Takeoffs and Landings videos

Unbelievable Crosswind Takeoffs and Landings videos Today we will share Unbelievable Crosswind Takeoffs and Landings videos with you How To Make A Perfect Crosswind Takeoff Crosswind on takeoff might not seem like that big of a deal, but if you don’t add correction you could end up skipping down, or off, …

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Three Light Attack Planes that Might Replace A-10 Warthog

Three Light Attack Planes that Might Replace A-10 Warthog

The Air Force has chosen three aircraft designs that might replace the A-10 Warthog. The Air Force hopes the OA-X program will lead to smaller, lighter airplanes. Plane capable of providing air support in low-threat conflicts. All three Aircraft will fly this Summer at Holloman Air Force Base in New …

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Video of Two fighter jet Mid-air collision into each other

Video of Two fighter jet Mid-air collision into each other

In the below video, you can see an F-15 fighter jet crashed into probably another (F-15 or f-16 fighter jet) The credibility of the video is under question. some people claim that this video is fake. According to them its a combination of two separate Fighter jet crash incident The video …

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Bunker Buster Bomb in action – How Bunker Busters Work

Bunker Buster Bomb in action - How Bunker Busters Work

A bunker buster is a type of munition that is designed to penetrate hardened targets or targets buried deep underground, such as military bunkers. There are thousands of military facilities around the world that defy conventional attack. The U.S. military has developed several different weapons to attack these underground fortresses. …

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